I LOVE pizza! So when I found out I couldn’t have gluten OR dairy, I was not a happy camper! Yes, you can buy gluten free pizza at most pizza parlors and can ask them to leave the cheese off but have you checked the prices??? You pay as much for a small gluten free pizza as you do for a family size regular pizza!
Sunday night at our house is Pizza and Movie night so I had to do something about the Pizza part of the equation. First I pulled out the Instant Loss Cookbook by Brittany Williams to try her Grain-free Pizza Crust made with…wait for it…Cassava Flour! Wait! What?!!! Yes, that is correct, Cassava Flour! The recipe contains an egg so I can’t claim it to be vegan but the whole pizza is diary free.
I used bottled spaghetti sauce for the sauce but I am going to purchase some pizza sauce tomorrow at Trader Joe’s! Then I topped with chopped sweet onion, sun dried tomatoes, fresh sliced mushrooms and finally…The Best Vegan Mozzarella Cheese by Sam Turnbull of It Doesn’t Taste Like Chicken!
This vegan cheese actually gets firm enough to grate! If you use Kappa Carrageenan it will melt just like real cheese but not having any in my pantry, I opted for version 2, Agar Agar. The flavor was good and the vegan cheese even makes yummy grilled cheese sandwiches.
I am not going to lie and tell you this pizza tastes just like the pizza parlor faves of the past but it is an acceptable substitute! I will keep working to make it just a little bit better but I would give it a solid 3 1/2 stars out of 5!
If you have any questions about eating gluten free, dairy free, vegetarian or vegan, please let me know. I have been a vegetarian for 40 years; a vegan off and on for long stretches; gluten free for the last year and a half.
Have a great day!
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